Join DARC in our inaugural Tribute to the Ancestors & Celebration of Life. Starting Feb 19, 2014 in the Island of Jamaica. This being the 1st in the annual commemoration for the martyrs of RasTafari. In fact His Imperial Majesty Haile Sellassie 1st designated this day as “Martyrs Day” of Ethiopia and in turn the Africa Diaspora. This was to honor all who were defenders against the war brought upon Ethiopians at home and abroad.

DARC representatives will have on hand exclusive DARC Shopping Center merchandise. Some will be promotional give-aways, and if you say you read this online, then you can receive a discount on items for sale.
The event of remembrance will initiate on Wednesday 19 February 2014 with a Wreath Laying for 2 specially selected martyrs. The 1st will be for the Honorable Leonard P. Howell at his physical resting place at Dovecot Cemetery at 9am. The 2nd memorial will proceed at 3PM at Moore Town Maroon Settlement in honor of Queen Nanny.
The 2nd half of the Tribute will commence Sunday 23 February 2014 from 12pm to 3pm at the UWI Mona Campus. The Celebration of Life/Libation Ceremony will be the day we offer honors to a broader spectrum of ancestors.Be a part of the memorable motorcade and also learn from the extensive list of worthy RasTafari ancestors that will be provided at the Sunday Libation Ceremony.
Fiqir ena selam (Love & Peace)